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KykNet MEGA-BOERE (Episode 9)(INOVULA)
About Inovula
We at Inovula believe that The Creator added passion and enthusiasm to our lives as a key ingredient. Passion and enthusiasm have always been a part of Inovula’s operations; from the smallest to the most important undertaking. Some people say that operating a dairy is like serving a sentence in an open jail cell…
We don’t think so. We like to believe that with dedication, passion and a love for what you do, dairy is a lucrative, blessed industry where one person with passion, is better than 40 people who are just interested.
Inovula is a well established dairy with more than 34 years in the industry. INOVULA cultivates 1582 hectares of the Kobus Hendriks Family Trust and the Kuilfontein Trust. The dairy branch is the largest farming branch and currently consists of 1036 female animals and 24 male animals. There are currently 547 cows in milk.
The Logix production summary of Spitsvuur Holsteins exceeded all expectations with its results for February 2020: Herd average: 563 cows; lactations: 305 days; milk: 14 047 kg; butterfat: 503 kg; protein: 432 kg; butterfat + protein: 935 kg; butterfat: 3.58% and protein: 3.07%. |